Hammer - Glazier In Stock Now

Anybody who has framed pictures or reglazed wooden-sash windows knows that driving brads or glazing points can be difficult. The best method is to use a driving head that slides on the glass or picture backing.We have breathed new life (and a
few design changes) into a classic glazier’s hammer. The hardened stainless-steel head has a rotating triangular face opposing a standard cylindrical face. As you rest the hammer head on the work, one of the triangular faces flattens against it, parallel to the tangent point of the cylindrical face. This makes it easy to drive brads or points, as you can hold the handle at any angle, as long as both faces touch the surface. The round faceis used for pinning corners or flattening glazing points or for general work.

Weighs 4 oz and is 10-3/8" long overall. A great addition to a framer’s tool kit.

info@halifaxtoollibrary.ca // halifaxtoollibrary.ca